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To be a viable non-profit tennis organization that would provide the youth of Ghana and the sub-region, a platform on which they would be able to combine both tennis performance and academic excellence for their own development.


To develop the abilities and potentials of young people through high performance tennis programs


Fair play and solidarity

  1. To empower and inspire success in young people

  2. To organize high-performance Tennis programs for young people

  3. To introduce the game of Tennis to virgin areas in Ghana

  4. To raise the next generation of players for the national team.


Youth Empowerment


The work of the foundation is done by volunteers. Our staff with their expertise in different fields are aware of the importance of their contribution to the overall goal of empowering young people.


We have 5 permanent staff members that runs the day to day administration of the foundation.


  1. The President

  2. Executive Director

  3. Programs and Project Coordinator

  4. Accountant

  5. Graphic Designer


We have a pool of volunteers that helps us run our programs. Some are per meant and some are ad-hoc. The breakdown is as follows


  1. Foundation Permanent Coaches 

  2. Operations 

  3. Media relations 

  4. Programs and Projects 


We invest hours and days as credited to us by our volunteers to run programs and projects tailored to our vision, mission and objectives.


Through fundraising and sponsor ships we are able to mobilize funds to invest in the future of kids in our unbending determination to empower young people


We commit ourselves to a scientific process of learning of the dynamics of the game and of the kids that benefit from our programs in other to give them a tailored kind of programs that meets both their current and future needs.


We channel majority of our funds in acquiring tennis and other sports equipment such as racquets, tennis balls, grips, clothes, tennis foot wears, tennis nets, grips, strings, tennis courts, physical training equipment and other relevant materials needed to help develop the game among young people.


  1. Organize Tennis Clinics

  2. Organize Tennis Tournament

  3. Organize Tennis Vacation Camps

  4. Organize Coaching Courses

  5. Training of Umpires



  1. The building of new Tennis courts in virgin areas

  2. Rehabilitation of old and abandoned Tennis courts and facilities

  3. Distribution of Tennis Equipment



  1. Organizing and participating in Tennis Workshops

  2. Participation in local and international Tennis conferences

  3. Organizing Tennis Awards



  1. We facilitate the placement of players into colleges, academies, and universities

  2. We provide escort support for junior players on local and international competitions



  1. We partner with national and international Tennis organizations in other to cascade decision made at a high level to the grounds

  2. We partner with international organizations to implement their programs locally  

  3. We partner with companies that are interested in using their corporate social responsibility to promote sports.

Working Towards a Better Tomorrow



Our programs and projects are currently directed to Ghana with the long term vision of expanding to neighboring countries.



Primarily we direct our programs to kids below the age of 18 but we organize programs for adults also in other areas to have a holistic development of the program.



We are in good working relationship with the following communities

  1. Ghana Tennis Federation

  2. International Tennis Federation

  3. Protection of  children in sports

  4. UN Youth Charter

  5. African Youth Charter

  • Short Term
    We tailor our programs to teach kids about the game of tennis and learn of ways they can be empowered to reaching their highest potentials. We guide kids to become self-aware and have a better appreciation of their environment and the tools at their disposal to become better citizens We promote a knack for knowledge and the constant education of young people in and out of school Our programs inspires and motivates kids to believe in themselves and their abilities to succeed. Kids benefit from building a variety of skills set ranging from the art of communication, tennis skills and group learning and sharing Through our programs we help the kids to build character and great virtues. We consciously encourage kids to dream big and aspire to greater heights. We promote an atmosphere of diversity in a safe space for kids to triumph
  • Medium Term
    We develop kids in the game of tennis to practice and become competitive in the sport All kids that benefit from our programs are protected by child protection polices and we help them understand what it means to their development Kids get to know how and the processes of making decision and are able to contribute meaningfully to decision making We promote the game of Tennis and contribute to the ongoing efforts by other stakeholders to make the sport popular The work of the foundation is voluntary and the engagement of our cherished volunteers help create a better society through our communal engagement. Through constant interaction we create a culture of positive behaviours among the kids such as going to school, being punctual and time conscious and fair play Kids who benefit from our programs and initiatives are able to take actions to advance their growth and development
  • Long Term
    Ultimately we empower young people into a great future We raise players for the junior and senior national teams We help players find opportunities for further studies that meets both their tennis and educational desires Our programs contribute in bridging the inequality gap among children especially girls Beneficiaries of the foundation become civically informed and are able to participate positively in civic and governance spaces We create the enabling conditions for young people to thrive Our programs contribute largely in raising productive citizens who are able to contribute to their societies

©2019 by Hope Performance Tennis. 

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